Monday, February 7, 2011

4 Day Countdown

For as long as I have been working at the bank, if we got within 5 hours of me getting out of there we called it the "one hand countdown." So that being said, I realized that I am officially on the 1 hand countdown of leaving. This is insane. It was only 4 weeks ago that I was dropping Brandon off at the airport, and it has gone so quickly.
So in the last few days in preparation for leaving the country I did absolutely nothing to help myself get ready for leaving. Okay that's not true, I did have my last day at work, in which I had to turn in my keys, and sell other people my money, yada yada yada. So I guess that is one I can check off of my list. And I had a going away party, which I said a solid,  "see you later", to some good people. And yesterday was the Superbowl, in which I did not do a single thing related to leaving. Which is exactly what I wanted to do. I woke up, hung out with my family, went driving with my little sister, went to a Superbowl party...
It seems like my whole life right now is revolving around a single event, and it was nice to not do a thing related to it.
So today I am going to the dentists, to get my cavities :( filled. Although I think that's a good thing to get them filled, it is not exactly how I want to spend my day.

1 comment:

  1. I love you! Happy one hand count down!

    ps- the Adds by google on the side of your blog is advertising fresh Haggis available online from just saying you should order some lol
